Lake Hodges Shoot

I went out hiking and decided to go to Lake Hodges. I believe this part I have not really seen before, though I did not go to the bridge which I have not been to yet. I hope to go to there again and get the bridge. The shoot went well, but I should have gotten a tripod, but I took these photos yesterday, and the weather was gorgeous but rather warm. It did take a bit out of me, but I was fine doing that. Though this is what I have now and I think I am ready for Elfin Forest. A lot of the photos are in Black and White as I seem to enjoy editing in B&W rather than in color as Color is a great look, but sometimes I feel like the landscape is better in B&W. I also tried to experiment laying down but that did not turn out too well, I guess I can reshoot that somewhere else. I think the look I was going for in B&W was Ansel Adams, but I think I did a good job. I should have stayed longer and gotten the Magic Hour, but I already got that, so I think I am set. I think I learned that sometimes it is good to hike around and survey for a good photograph and to experiment with new trails. I also went there as it is relatively close to my house as well. In the end I had a good photoshoot.

In Class Library Shoot

Today, I took some photos for my advanced Photography Class at California State University San Marcos. I used a 50D and a loaner camera (T2i) to take some great shots in both Black and White and Color. I used Adobe Lightroom 2015.8 to edit my photos, and I really seem to like the program. I took the actual photos in the Library at California State University San Marcos. This was due to the weather which forced us to not go on a fieldtrip. While my cameras were grainy, I had a blast photographing the library. The library has areas that allow for very high production value, as the stairs can really get a lot of nice lighting. While I would like to see better weather, the photoshoot was mainly as success. I wished my card reader was not acting up as it corrupted some images, but I still had enough images, to do a proper photoshoot. The photo below is of a class mate Han as she would like to be called. I cropped the image, as I did not want everything in that image, and felt it would be better to just simply crop it. I do think that the photo shoot had some other faults that I should have probably gotten another shot of the rain as it would make it rather nice to see. The photos you see are my favorite photos that I have taken in the class. My favorite so far is the Black and white of the Light flashing from the Metal shade. I like this photo, because it can really  transform from a really nice photo, to something that is rather extraordinary, or even rather creepy or dark as you think I had shot that at night or something like that.


Class is going good so far, I really like Deborah Small as a professor and her mindset is a little different than Nancy, but I love the fact that this class allows for a lot of freedom as you can do whatever you want. I think that the Cal State library is an awesome place to photograph images, and I would love to shoot some more. In the end, I enjoyed this photoshoot.

Before Class

I wanted to post some photos inspired by Art Wolffe where I use the wide angle as a close up in most of them, while I did not do the best job, I still think I did a great job in capturing photos using the wide angle lens. I really like using the wide angle for closeups as you can really get a nice view that you cannot get when using a telephoto. My camera does not really have a super wide angle at the moment, but I hope to get a better lens soon. It was rainy that day I took these shots, so I had to move quickly and made sure my camera did not get wet :O. I wanted to ensure that my camera could easily work, but it did relatively well except for Lightroom messing up some of my photos (argh). I probably need a new card reader. I guess you have to work around your technical difficulties. In the end, I think I did ok.


Watermark is an interesting film by Burtynsky talking about water and how people use that water. You see people making leather, rice paddies, abalone farms and even those who have seen how bad not having water has affected them. I find the images of the colorado river to be the most shocking how people and agriculture need water, but we have to balance that need. Around 70 percent of the water usage is going to agriculture. Agriculture is big business, but people want to grow crops in the deserts of California when it cannot really sustain that. People seem to think that water is something we can take for granted. I also found it shocking that LA had to reroute a lake to help  supply its citizens with water and now that toxic dust is requiring some kind of cleanup. Water is something that is everywhere and we need it, whether we like it or not. The scene where it timelapses the dam in China filling up with water is rather fascinating as it shows how a dam could easily supply a region with water and electricity. It is sad that people in LA were forced to move because of the aquifer, Dry spells are very bad for LA and even in San Diego, but luckily LA’s dry spell did not last long. Thankfully our drought has ended, but I think we should do our part in saving water.

The movie itself is pretty good as Burtynsky wants to show that we need water, and that water is a precious resource that we should not waste. The photography was excellent and was amazed that it was able to hit the news in Bangladesh.

The most shocking scene in my opinion was the one where they were making leather. These are people who are making leather with virtually no protection (face protection and even feet protection). I think a lot of people could easily get sick and I would not be surprised if the life expectancy in the Bangladesh leather factory is around 30 years old.

Our bodies are mostly water (from the native guy), and that native who said that if 2 people consume from the same water source we would be of the same water. Foods are all a part of that water system as animals will drink from that water or like the pilgrims, praying and using that water for their religion. I do agree that if a cell is destroyed and there is no water, we could see the end of human civilization.

I do wonder if climate is to be involved in this global crisis of water as we have countries that cannot have proper water due to lack of sanitation, but on the other hand we have companies like Nestle who thinks it is their right to profit from water. Infact, one of the biggest exports in California is actually bottled water as people are using the water from the wells and simply reselling it for a price as people really want the convenience of bottled water. Also, the Greenland ice research is rather interesting. I do agree that climates fluctuate as it does not really stay steady as there has been different forms of climate changes. We need to adapt to any form of climate change. I think one reason why our water is scarce is that water is coming from outer space which caused oceans, lakes, rivers and so on.

I think the films message is to show you that we need to save water and to learn more about it, so we can adapt to whatever major event that could cause us to lose it. In the end this concludes my blog post.

Top 10 Photos

These are just some top 10 photos that I have mostly taken in VSAR 302, but I have also taken some at the Photo archive project at the U-hour screening of Short Shorts by Jason Eberwein. I really think these are some of the top 10 best photos I have taken and it was not easy choosing them, and I hope you would enjoy them.

10 deadly sins of composition

This was a rather interesting video to watch and I am sure I have committed some of these sins before. This video talked about 10 sins of composition which you should not do as that can cause a bad photograph. Art Wolff is an experienced photographer who never takes a vacation but has taken a lot of photographs from throughout the world.

The first one that I thought was a very meaningful image was the image of a chameleon right next to the fingers. I really loved how sharp the depth of field was in relation to the image. While some say this is a blurry image, I feel that the sharp focus of the depth of field along with the chameleon really contrasts the image when you would say compare if it had the background in focus. This image is rather heavy on the bokeh in regards to the background as you can feel it and try to connect with the chameleon with the person who has it in their fingers. The fingers  are very . Depth of field should really be done in a very meaningful way and he really did it. The chameleon is perfectly content with being the persons hand. Depth of field is what adds depth to an image and therefore this image has meaning. Emotionally you really feel for the chameleon as you might see a lizard being scared as wild animals like small lizards tend to run away from humans as they see them as some kind of a predator. The other final part of what makes this a meaningful image, is that you cannot tell if it was a candid or well thought out. However, i feel that this image is very well thought out and shot well.

The next meaningful image is actually the one with the Chinese boat that covers the lighthouse. Why I think it is rather meaningful, is that it shows how people live their life in Vietnam. The boat is so artistically placed as the lighthouse can really cause a significant distraction as your eyes simply focus on the lighthouse and not the boat. The boat is a very traditional boat used in the area as you can . Though the photo does tie in with the rocky background. The rocks in the water is a relatively nice background. I think the photo is a bit  dark and I think he was going for a dark sort of look in the fog. This adds meaning, as you would normally photograph something like this when the sun is out. It also adds a bit of mystery as you do not really see the people who are operating the boat. I like photos that have a bit of mystery to them as you have to keep guessing who or what are they doing.

In the end, both photos are meaningful!